Configuration ============= The e-cidadania platform is almost ready-to-use after unpacking, but you will have to edit the `` file if you want to install it in production. We explain here all the settings realted with the initial configuration of e-cidadania. If you want more detailed information about the settings, please take a look at the official django documentation at ``_ The e-cidadania setting have been splitted into four major files:: settings/ __init__ -------- This file loads one configuration or another based on the *DEBUG* flag. You have to set this first. **DEBUG** (boolean) You have to set this value to *True* or *False* depending if you are testing or want to debug the e-cidadania platform. defaults -------- This file stablishes the common settings across the both environments. Most of this settings are e-cidadania specific, we will specify here the ones you can modify safely. **SECRET_KEY** (hash) It's **obligatory** to modify this value before deployment. This key is used for generating the CSRF and some other security features in django. **MEDIA_ROOT** (directory) e-cidadania comes with this directory set by default for development but you will have to modify it to suit the directory where you media content or user uploaded content will be. **MEDIA_URL** (URL slug) This will be the accesible URL for the media content. e-cidadania comes with it set to "uploads/" but you can modify it at any time. **STATIC_ROOT** (directory) This directory works the same as MEDIA_ROOT but for static content (JavaScript, CSS, images, etc.). e-cidadania comes with it set by default for development but you will have to modify it to where you static content will be stored. **STATIC_URL** (URL slug) This will be the accesible URL for the static content. e-cidadania comes with it set to "static/" but you can modify it at any time. **SELECT_ENVIROMENT** (python import) This is not a proper value, but a python import. You will have to select between the two deployment files: development and production. The syntax is the same as every python import. *For development (default)*:: from e_cidadania.settings.development import * *For production*:: from e_cidadania.settings.production import * This are the main settign that you will have to modify to make the deployment of e-cidadania, you shouldn't need to modify the rest unless you want a very specific deployment. development and production -------------------------- ** and ** are minor configuration files with all the parameters we think you will need to make a development or production server. Database ```````` **Configuring the database**:: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'db/sqlite.db', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', } } First of all will be to set up the database. By default e-cidadania is set up to use a local SQLite3 database, which will be useful to make tests, but we don't recommend to use it in production. An example of a database on a DreamHost shared server is this:: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'superb_database', 'USER': 'databaseadmin', 'PASSWORD': 'somepassword', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', } } **DEBUG** (Boolean True, False) The debug mode is meant for development only, it overrides some of the security systems of django and offers a detailed output when django crashes. This setting is meant to not be modified by the user. **TIMEZONE** Time zone that e-cidadania will use as default. **LANGUAGE_CODE** Main language that e-cidadania will use for the users. It uses the language code format, p.e. en-US (United States english) **CACHES** Configure the cache backcend for django. Please refer to the django documentation so you can select a cache according to your needs. **ADMINS** (python dictionary) List of *name*, *email* tuples with the administrators data. This is used in case e-cidadania has to send some report or django sends an error log. **EMAIL SETTINGS** The email settings are pretty straightforward, so we will not explain them here. .. warning:: Django 1.4 still doesn't have support for SSL emails, you will need to use unsecure email addresses. Other settings -------------- The settings are not meant to be modified by the administrator, but he can change them if seen fit. User profiles ````````````` *ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS* (number) This variable specifies how many days the user has to activate the user account since he receibes the confirmation e-mail. Extensions ---------- .. note:: This section is still on development. Etensions are django applications that you can attach to e-cidadania to improve its functionalities. You can continue now to :doc:`deployment`